Updated on: August 26, 2024 | Reviewed by: CymBiz Editorial Team

Understanding ShareASale: A Comprehensive Guide to How It Works


In the dynamic world of online business and e-commerce, affiliate marketing has emerged as a powerful strategy for merchants to increase sales and for individuals to earn passive income. ShareASale is a prominent affiliate marketing network that plays a crucial role in connecting merchants with affiliates. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into what ShareASale is, how it works, and why it has become a popular choice for businesses and affiliates alike.

What is ShareASale?

ShareASale is an affiliate marketing network that facilitates the relationship between merchants (advertisers) and affiliates (publishers). Established in 2000, ShareASale has grown to become one of the largest and most reputable affiliate marketing networks globally. It operates as an intermediary platform, providing the infrastructure and tools necessary for merchants to create affiliate programs and for affiliates to find relevant products or services to promote.

How ShareASale Works

Merchant Sign-up:

Merchants who wish to boost their online sales through affiliate marketing start by signing up with ShareASale. During this process, merchants provide details about their business, products, and the terms of their affiliate program.

Affiliate Registration:

Affiliates, also known as publishers, sign up on the ShareASale platform. Affiliates can range from individual bloggers and content creators to large media companies. Upon approval, affiliates gain access to a wide range of merchants and their respective affiliate programs.

Product Selection:

Merchants list their products or services on ShareASale, providing affiliates with a variety of options to choose from. Affiliates select products or services that align with their niche and audience.

Promotional Materials:

ShareASale provides affiliates with promotional materials, including banners, links, and other creatives that they can use to promote the merchant's products. These materials contain unique tracking codes that allow ShareASale to monitor and attribute sales to specific affiliates.

Promotion and Tracking:

Affiliates integrate the provided tracking links or banners into their content, such as blog posts, social media posts, or websites. These links track the traffic and sales generated by the affiliate's promotional efforts.

Commission Structure:

Merchants define the commission structure for their affiliate program, specifying the percentage or fixed amount affiliates earn for each successful sale, lead, or click. ShareASale facilitates accurate commission tracking and payments.

Reporting and Analytics:

Both merchants and affiliates have access to detailed reports and analytics on ShareASale. Merchants can analyze the performance of their affiliate program, while affiliates can track clicks, conversions, and commissions earned.

Payment Processing:

ShareASale handles the payment process, ensuring that affiliates receive their commissions accurately and on time. Payment methods and frequency are determined by the merchant.

Benefits of ShareASale

Diverse Affiliate Network:

ShareASale boasts a vast network of affiliates spanning various industries and niches, providing merchants with the opportunity to reach a diverse audience.

User-Friendly Interface:

The platform offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for both merchants and affiliates to navigate and manage their accounts.

Transparent Reporting:

ShareASale provides transparent and comprehensive reporting tools, allowing users to track and analyze performance metrics, optimize strategies, and make informed decisions.

Trust and Reliability:

With over two decades of experience, ShareASale has built a reputation for trust and reliability in the affiliate marketing industry, attracting top merchants and affiliates.


ShareASale serves as a bridge between merchants seeking to expand their online reach and affiliates looking to monetize their content. Its robust platform, diverse affiliate network, and transparent processes make it a go-to choice for businesses and individuals alike. As affiliate marketing continues to thrive, ShareASale remains a key player, facilitating mutually beneficial partnerships that drive online success. Explore ShareASale